Survey Results
Participants were asked to rate the situation given in the survey based on how much anxiety the situation give them, 1 being little to no anxiety while a 4 -5 correlates to high levels of anxiety. The two scenarios that received a ranking of 4 or 5 are going for an interview and giving and oral presentation for a class or meeting. The responses to the other scenarios were pretty mixed except for "eating by yourself in public" in which a majority of the participants responded with a one or two.
Showcase of Work

Linda Uzoma
Medium: Yarn
The elephant is known for having an impressive memory. Sometimes when people with social anxiety are presenting or leading a conversation, they tend to forget what they are presenting or what they're about to say next. The elephant also represents good communication skills, which is something that everyone needs.
Linda Uzoma
Medium: Yarn
"Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens" - Epictetus

Linda Uzoma
Medium: yarn
The cat symbolize many things, which includes courage, patience, independence, etc. People with social anxiety tend to be afraid of how other people are judging them. Courage gives you the strength to not be afraid of what other people think.
Linda Uzoma
Medium: yarn
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt